Video Systems & Workflows

Advises Members on all aspects of video images, quality and workflows.

The Video Systems group:

  • Coordinates all work in the video domain (end-to-end).
  • Covers topics such as: HDTV, UHDTV, HDR, MXF, IMF, and HFR.
  • Provides strategic and technical advice.
  • Collaborates with industry and standards bodies, including: DVB, ITU-R, SMPTE, and W3C.
  • Helps to ensure broadcaster requirements are reflected in future media applications and services.

Current work

The main group is currently focussed on HDR monitors measurement, test charts and camera testing guidance.

There are also several focussed activities (subgroups):

HDR Implementation Task Force

HDR Downmapping

Video Evaluation

How to join?

  • Use the 'Join this group' link.
  • You will be added to the VS-All part of the group (open to all industry professionals).
  • EBU Members will also be added to the VS-EBU part of the group.

Note the focussed activities (subgroups) must be joined separately.

Working methods

The actual work is performed via e-mail reflector(s), wikis/gits, conference calls (Zoom) and occasional physical meetings.

If you have any questions/need help, please contact the coordinator: Frans de Jong (EBU).


Currently the following deliverables are planned (green indicates the deliverable has already been delivered). Note that deliverables are dependent on enough participation in the work and that the planning is subject to change.


  • status_med_12px.png (HDR) Video Monitors Measurement session 2 reports (Q1 2025)
  • status_med_12px.png EBU Recommendation on overrange signals handling in HDR Monitors (Q1 2025)
  • status_med_12px.png (HDR) Video Monitors Measurement (third session) (Q1 2025)
  • status_med_12px.png (HDR) Video Monitors Measurement session 3 reports (Q1 2025)
  • status_med_12px.png UHDTV Survey (Q1 2025)
  • status_med_12px.png HDR Downmapping harmonization (in liaison with the ITU)
  • status_med_12px.png Development of Codecs Testing Management software (Q2 2025)
  • status_med_12px.png Real-time, Mezzanine Codecs Tests (Q2 2025)
  • status_med_12px.png Production Codecs implementation tests (Q3 2025)
  • status_med_12px.png New video test sets creation (Q3 2025)
  • status_med_12px.png Cameras/Lens testing guidance (Q4 2025)









* To have access to the files, EBU Members need to first join the Video Systems & Workflows Group.