Production Technology Seminar 2025: focus on the tech strategies that are transforming public media

Featuring CTOs from several EBU Members, representatives of the Big Tech companies, and experts across key technologies for media production, such as cloud, AI, data spaces, and content provenenace tracking,...

Preparing for the next generation of free television services in Ireland

DVB-I, the open standard for internet-centric television service discovery, could be key to the future development of the digital terrestrial television platform operated by Ireland's RTÉ, writes Jim Higgins,...

Annual BBC gathering focuses on women in STEM, with EBU highlighting activites around Europe

The annual BBC WiSTEM lectures, focusing on Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, included a contribution from the EBU as well as a screening of the film Women in Science from Belgium's...

EBU joins early implementers of new standard to track media content provenance

The EBU’s real-time news-gathering platform has begun integrating the C2PA standard for tracking content provenance. It means that journalists can access clear verifiable information about the origin of...

EBU highlights progress on harmonized media data space at Gaia-X Summit 2024

An EBU presentation at the Gaia-X Summit 2024 in Helsinki highlighted how the Trusted European Media Data Space (TEMS) project is working to modernize Europe’s media landscape. Lucille Verbaere emphasized...

Navigating change in broadcasting: a small broadcaster’s perspective

Ivana Prpić, who is is Head of TV Production Systems for Croatia’s HRT and a member of the EBU Technical Committee, says that for smaller broadcasters, the target should be incremental innovation and selective...

A year of HDR highlights – and more to come

It has been a productive year for the EBU’s Video Group, with a focus on experience sharing, testing and training. Group chair Simon Thompson (BBC R&D) runs through the year’s highlights.

Time for Europe to invest smartly in its media future

Antonio Arcidiacono argues that there is an urgent need for Europe to invest smartly in its media future to make up for the massive gap between innovation investment in the USA and China and what has been...

The M.A.R.S. approach for media: Multilayer, Anywhere, Resilient, Sustainable

The December 2024 issue of tech-i magazine highlights the new EBU white paper on the M.A.R.S. approach to media distribution, for ensuring essential media services remain available to all citizens, even...

Discovering what’s big in Japan – EBU delegation exchanges on the future of media

Japan continues to be an important global centre for technology innovation, particularly in the media domain. Carmela Asero accompanied the EBU delegation that visited to learn about some of the latest...

Evolution of broadcast infrastructure at WDR: embracing ST 2110 IP-based solutions

Jan Krusch coordinates media over IP projects at WDR. In this article he describes how and why the German broadcaster is building a converged network to handle future production needs.

5G-EMERGE expands consortium and advances towards implementation in its second phase

Co-funded by ESA ARTES and led by the EBU, the 5G-EMERGE research initiative signed its Phase 2 agreement today, moving forward with technology that aims to enable resilient media delivery to diverse geographies...

Preparing to step up technical cooperation in times of emergency

Newly elected to the EBU Technical Committee, Deividas Grabauskas, Head of the TV Technical Division at Lithuania’s LRT, believes increased cooperation can increase broadcaster resilience in the Baltic...

A new conductor takes up the baton for the EBU Technical Committee

In June this year, EBU Members elected a new Technical Committee (TC). Time to introduce the new Chair Michael Eberhard, Director of Technology and Production at SWR, part of the ARD network of public...

A new EBU platform to connect AI and media experts

Alexandre Rouxel introduces the EBU AI Hub, a new platform and community of practice to accelerate innovation and ensure that AI tools are developed and deployed responsibly, addressing both technical...

A global force for diversity and inclusion

Rise Women in Broadcast aims to foster a strong and supportive community, laying the groundwork for a more diverse, inclusive, and successful future of the sector. Donna Smith, Managing Director at Rise,...

Testing workflows for multi-camera production using LED walls

BBC teamed up with the EBU, Sony and White Light for Virtual Production Exploration Week, producing a television show using an LED wall. Creative Director with BBC, Paul Pledger, describes some of the...

EBU Presents Excellence in Media Award to France Télévisions for Paris Olympics coverage

The EBU has presented its member organization France Télévisions with the "Excellence in Media Award" for their innovative and high-tech coverage of the Paris 2024 Olympics and Paralympics. France Télévisions...

EBU showcases multi-partner end-to-end C2PA workflow at IBC

At IBC this year, the EBU will be demonstrating one of the first multi-vendor and end-to-end C2PA workflows on its stand at location 10.D21.

EBU, ORF, ARD, SR, SWISS TXT, RTS and NRK found Security4Media association

The EBU and several of its Members have created Security4Media, a non-profit association for media organizations and technology vendors dedicated to reducing cyber risks and supporting trust in media.

New issue of tech-i magazine published ahead of IBC2024

Issue 61 of tech-i, the quarterly magazine from EBU Technology & Innovation, is now available for download. Alongside reports on the winners of the T&I Awards 2024, there are articles on LED walls, IP-based...

EBU to present Dynamic Media Facility Reference Architecture at IBC 2024

The EBU’s Strategic Programme on Media Infrastructures and Cybersecurity has published a comprehensive Reference Architecture for vendors aiming to align their systems with the Dynamic Media Facility (DMF)...

5G Broadcast receiver profile for Europe released for review

The European 5G Broadcast handset taskforce, gathering EBU and BNE members, has published a 5G Broadcast receiver profile for use by companies within the broadcast ecosystem that are preparing for a roll-out...

Join the Open Source Meetup at IBC 2024

The Open Source Meetup at the IBC is back! The EBU will once again host the popular Open Source Meetup on its IBC stand this year, gathering developers working on open source projects for media and broadcasting...