This page lists all camera test reports that have been created prior to the publication of EBU Tech 3335. They are based on the same assessment methodology. These documents have been provided by Alan Roberts and the BBC. They are hosted here as a convenience to users; they will not be developed further.

Please note that the reports must not be construed as an endorsement of the product concerned.


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Copyright © BBC 2001. All rights reserved.

Except as provided below, no part of a White Paper may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying or storing it in any medium by electronic means) without the prior written permission of BBC Research except in accordance with the provisions of the (UK) Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. The BBC grants permission to individuals and organisations to make copies of any White Paper as a complete document (including the copyright notice) for their own internal use. No copies may be published, distributed or made available to third parties whether by paper, electronic or other means without the BBC's prior written permission.

The reports

BBC White Paper 034

BBC White Paper 034 & all Addenda in a single zip file

Addendum 1: Menu settings for Sony HDCAM, HDW900

Addendum 1a: Tests on Sony HDCAM, HDW900/3

Addendum 2: Menu settings for Panasonic DVCProHD (AJ-HDC27V, 720/1~60Hz proscan)

Addendum 3: Menu settings for Panasonic DVCProHD (AJ-HDC27A 720/59.94Hz proscan)

Addendum 4: Menu settings for Panasonic DVCProHD (AJ-HDC20A, 1080/59.94Hz)

Addendum 5: Menu settings for BTS/Thomson Multi-media LDK6000

Addendum 5a: Menu settings for BTS/Thomson Multi-media LDK6000 version 3.2

Addendum 6 (rev 2): Menu settings for Sony HDCAM, HDW750P

Addendum 7 (rev1): Menu settings for Panasonic DVCProHD (AJ-HDC20A, 1080/50 Hz)

Addendum 8 (rev 7): Menu settings for Panasonic DVCProHD AJ-HDC27F Varicam (720/4~60 Hz proscan), HDC27H

Addendum 9: Tests on Sony DVW 790WSP, Digibeta camcorder

Addendum 10: Menu settings for Panasonic DVCPro50 (AJ-SDX900-E)

Addendum 11: Menu settings for Panasonic AK-HC900P Box-Cam (720/60 Hz proscan)

Addendum 12 (rev 1): Menu settings for Sony HD, HDC950 (and 930)

Addendum 13: Menu settings for Panasonic AK-HC900P and AK-HRP900C Varicam (720/4~60Hz proscan)

Addendum 14: Comparison of Camera "Speeds"

Addendum 15 (rev 1): Menu settings for Panasonic DVCPro100 (AJ-HDX400-MC)

Addendum 16 (rev 1): Menu settings for Sony PDW530P XDCAM

Addendum 17: Sony HDCAM, HDW730S

Addendum 18 (rev1): Panasonic HVX200

Addendum 19: Sony HVR A1/HC1

Addendum 20: Sony HVR Z1E and FX1E

Addendum 21 (rev 2): Menu settings for Panasonic DVCPro100 AJ-HDX900

Addendum 22 (rev 1): Menu settings for Sony HDCAM, HDW900RP, HDW790

Addendum 23: Sony HVR-V1E

Addendum 24: Menu settings for Panasonic DVCPro100 AJ-HPX2100

Addendum 25: Canon XH G1 (and XH A1)

Addendum 26: Panasonic HPX500

Addendum 27 (rev 1): Menu settings for Panasonic P2 AJ-HPX3000

Addendum 28: Sony XDCAM HD, PDW-700

Addendum 29: Assessment of a Canon HF10 AVCHD

Addendum 30 (rev 2): Assessment and settings for Sony PMW-EX1 and EX3

Addendum 31: Assessment of, and settings for, Panasonic HPX171

Addendum 32: Assessment of a RED ONE camera

Addendum 33: Assessment and settings for Panasonic HVX201

Addendum 34 (rev 1): Assessment and settings for Sony HVR-Z5E and HVR-Z7E

Addendum 35: Menu settings for Panasonic P2 AJ-HPX2700

Addendum 36: Menu settings for Panasonic P2 AJ-HPX3700

Addendum 37: Sony HDCAM, HDW-650

Addendum 38: Assessment and settings for Panasonic AGHPX301

Addendum 39: Assessment of a Canon 5D DSLR

Addendum 40: Menu settings for Thomson/GV DMC1000 “Infinity” camcorder

Addendum 41: Tests and Settings on a Sony HSC-300 Studio camera

Addendum 42: Tests and Settings on a Iconix HD-RH1 mini-camera

Addendum 43: Tests and Settings on a Toshiba IK-HD1H mini-camera

Addendum 44: Tests and Settings on a Toshiba IK-HR1 mini-camera

Addendum 45: Tests and Settings on a Sony HXR-MC1P minicamcorder

Addendum 46 (rev 3): Tests and Settings on a Sony PMW-350 camcorder

Addendum 47: Tests and Settings on a Panasonic AG-HCK10G and HMR10 mini-camcorder

Addendum 48: Tests and Settings on a Panasonic GP-US932HAE minicamera

Addendum 49: Tests and Settings on a Ikegami MKC-300HD minicamera

Addendum 50: Tests and Settings on a Canon XF300/305

Addendum 51: Tests and Settings on a Panasonic AG-HMC151

Addendum 52: Tests and Settings on a Ikegami HDS V10 camcorder

Addendum 53: Tests and Settings on a Panasonic AG-HPX371

Addendum 54 (rev 1): Tests and Settings on a Sony PMW 320

Addendum 55: Tests and Settings on a Ikegami HDK-79EXIII

Addendum 56: Tests and Settings on a Sony HDC1500R

Addendum 57: Tests and Settings on a Thomson/GV LDK8000 Elite

Addendum 58: Tests and Settings on a Sony HDC-P1

Addendum 59: Tests and Settings on a Thomson/GV LDK3000

Addendum 60: Tests and Settings on a Sony HCX-100

Addendum 61: Tests and Settings on a Sony FCB-H10 mini-camera

Addendum 62: Tests and Settings on a Lux Media Plan LMP 1200 mini- camera

Addendum 63: Tests and Settings on a Hitachi HV HD201 mini-camera

Addendum 64 (rev 3): Tests and Settings on a Sony PMW500

Addendum 65: Tests and Settings on a Canon XF100/105E

Addendum 66: Tests and Settings on a Panasonic AG-AF101

Addendum 67: Comparison of lenses for HDTV

Addendum 68: Tests and Settings on a Sony PMW-F3

Addendum 70: Tests and Settings on a Canon EOS C300