Issue 42 of tech-i examines how public broadcasters are taking on the global streaming giants.
- Media innovation and Europe's digital sovereignty – Antonio Arcidiacono
- Launching the global 5G Media Action Group
- Live IP vendors step up to the JT-NM Tested challenge
- Media Cybersecurity Seminar takeaways
- The growth of PEACH
- New standards and tools for reliable NGA workflows
- EuroVOX: tackling the language barrier with machine-based translation
- A smart use for HbbTV in Sweden
- Yle Areena – bigger than Netflix
- Relaunching RaiPlay for a new era
- Free-to-air does not mean free
- Reducing the delay for live content over Multi-CDN
- Mastering digital transformation at Norway's TV 2
- Loudness for streaming platforms
- MediaRoad: two years later, what has it achieved?
- Content and technology: two sides of the same coin?
- Partner Profiles: DASH Industry Forum
- Media Intelligence: planting seeds in Spotify's walled garden
- In the spotlight: Anssi Komulainen, Yle