The scope of the Strategic Programme on Distribution covers radio, TV, and other media services. It comprises transmission and network technologies and their evolution. Focus is on increasing audience reach.
- Study the relevance of different media distribution options for EBU Members, including mobile networks
- Focus in particular on reach, quality, costs, and market position
- Investigate the opportunities and threats of OTT distribution
- Influence the standardization of new distribution technologies
- Build cross-industry support for solution in line with EBU Members' requirements
- Assist Members’ adoption of 5G and other distribution technologies to increase reach and provide enhanced services
- Develop strategic guidance for reaching portable and mobile devices, including in vehicles, with all content and services
- Investigate CDN-based solutions for on-line distribution and possible alternatives
EBU Fact Sheets
- Public Service Media requirements in distribution
- Relevance of free-to-air distribution for Public Service Media
- 5G Opportunities for broadcasters
EBU Technical Reports
- EBU Tech Report 054: 5G for the distribution of audiovisual media content and services
- EBU Tech Report 046: Business arrangements for the distribution of audiovisual media content and services
- EBU Tech Report 044: Trials, tests and projects on 4G/5G broadcast by European PSBs
- EBU Tech Report 034: SImulation parameters for theoretical LTE eMBMS network studies
- EBU Tech Report 027: Delivery of broadcast content over LTE networks
- EBU Tech Report 026: Available options for the distribution of broadcast services
BPNs (for EBU Members only)
- BPN 119: 5G Broadcasting system: Analysis of 3GPP Release 14
- BPN 118: Analysis methodology for the distribution of PSM content and services
- BPN 109: 5G and PSM - Opportunities in distribution of AV content and services
- BPN 106: 5G relevance for future distribution of PSM content and services