The MDN conference is the annual meeting point for developers and experts working on Metadata and Artificial Intelligence in media. Networking, interaction, and collaboration are the hallmarks of MDN.
Participating in MDN is an efficient way to liaise with the community to expose your views and challenges and engage in lively discussions with your colleagues worldwide. MDN is organised by the Metadata-AI group of EBU T&I, an active community for developers to share knowledge, learn from peers, and collaborate on Metadata and AI-related projects. This year MDN will be a three-day virtual event.
Contributors: BBC, Yle, RAI, ORF, TV2 Norway, VRT, FTV, EBU, INRIA, Media Futures Bergen, Fraunhofer IDMT, CERTH, University of Helsinki, Aalto University, Politecnico di Milano, AWS, Media Distillery, Limecraft, Media-Press Group, Conversy, Contentwise, Condat AG, Perfect Memory
Key Words: Metadata, Emotions, Recommender systems, AI monitoring, Bias, Tagging quality, Graph databases, Knowledge extraction, MAM, Serverless, ASR, Editorial Tagging, Semantic Search, Chaptering, AI automation storytelling, Embeddings similarity, Visualisation, Linked Open Data, Media Rights, Accessibility personalisation, Music.