The cover of the September 2024 issue of tech-i magazine features ORF's AiDitor, the winner of this year's EBU Technology & Innovation Award. The project's leader, Stefan Kollinger, describes how the AI-driven platform came together on pages 10–11.

The magazine also includes a report (p12) on the joint winners of the Young Technology Talent Award, Valentina Piffaretti from Switzerland’s SRG SSR, for her work on business continuity management, and Selin Güngör of Turkey’s TRT, for her research on fake news detection.

Looking back at the EBU Technology & Innovation Summit, which took place in Italy in June, EBU T&I Director Antonio Arcidiacono's editorial (p3) strikes an optimistic note:

"We can confidently conclude that we are in good shape to tackle the challenges that lie ahead, with talented young technologists, a renewed and re-energized Technical Committee, and a community that embodies the principal that we are stronger when we work together."

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