The scope of this document is to explore the possibilities provided by 5G rather than other forms of wireless solution. To this end, several challenges need to be addressed and these can be broken down into four key areas: standardisation, technology availability, regulation, and business models
5G represents an opportunity and challenges for the content creation industry. 5G offers much in terms of bandwidth, reduced latency, timing and quality of service. It is also expected that standardised 5G-based solutions would bring down the costs and increase the flexibility of production.
But the 5G roll-out is a gradual evolution and will take time to achieve the capabilities promised by the marketing hype, if it ever does. The media industry is engaging well with the standards bodies and regulatory bodies. Innovative ways of using the radio spectrum, improved compression techniques and always-on connectivity will change how the professional production industry works in the future, but only if it continues to engage at all levels and works together to ensure that technology, regulation and business models can support future workflows.