The EBU’s Audio Systems and Video Systems groups used this summer’s European Championships 2022 at Munich’s Olympiastadion to capture valuable test content. On pages 10–11, Werner Bleisteiner (BR) and Simon Thompson (BBC) describe the aims of the project and the challenges they faced.
- Thinking differently about the metaverse – Antonio Arcidiacono on the collective versus the individual and the role of PSM
- News and events: News Technology Think Tank; European media data space; TRANSMIXR project; preview of PTS2023
- Where did the radio button go? – ARD’s Gwen Niehues on taking a pan-European approach on connected cars
- An expanded scope for EuroVOX – The translation and trascription tool goes from strength to strength
- Defining the options for the future of the UHF band – An important preparatory study for WRC-23 has been completed
- Testing IP production equipment for spec compliance and security – A report from the latest round of the JTNM Tested programme
- Getting closer to action with high frame rate; Reaching new heights for audio capture – Simon Thompson (BBC) and Werner Bleisteiner (BR) take us to the European Championships 2022
- From data to knowledge with EBUCorePlus – Jürgen Grupp (SWR) introduces the new fully semantic standard ontology for media
- Making progress on diversity in technology teams and activities – An update on EBU T&I’s actions to improve the gender balance across its work
- Building a suite of open-source tools for 5G-based media services – Daniel Silhavy (Fraunhofer FOKUS) introduces Target 2023
- Sustainability Matters: can cloud-based IT solutions make sense? – Green data centres can do more than just optimize power usage
- In my opinion: Playing with technology is a serious business – Stijn Lehaen, Director of Technology and Infrastructure at VRT
- Partner Profiles: Institut National de l’Audiovisuel – Eléonore Alquier explains why data is a strategic asset at the heart of INA’s mission
- The car is key for radio; and radio is key for in-car audio – The latest research from the EBU Media Intelligence Service
- In the spotlight: Víctor Sánchez García, Chief Operating Officer, Radiotelevisión Española (RTVE)