BISS2 Basic Interoperable Scrambling System - v3.0

EBU Tech 3292

This document describes the revised version, BISS2, of the Basic Interoperable Scrambling System.

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It supersedes the 2002 version of the BISS protocol (BISS1). The new version of the protocol, BISS2, replaces the encryption and scrambling algorithms DES and DVB-CSA with more secure and robust state of the art algorithms; AES-128 for session word encryption and DVB-CISSA for stream scrambling, respectively.

It further expands the capabilities of the protocol with a fourth conditional access mode, BISS Mode CA. The additional mode addresses the commercial requirement of in-stream key exchange with real-time addition and revocation of receivers. BISS-CA further allows the sender to enforce stream security beyond the receiver either mandating additional features such as watermarking or pre-empting stream forwarding. Due to its complexity, BISS-CA is defined in the supplement EBU Tech 3292s1.