At the EBU General Assembly that was held yesterday and today at the Danish EBU Member DR, both Technical Committee (TC) chairman Alberto Morello and EBU TECHNICAL director Lieven Vermaele stressed the importance of 'openness'.




Openness refers first of all to the continuous effort to enable and promote the use of open technical standards, which allow for cost-efficient and uniform solutions to be deployed by the EBU broadcasters. Secondly it refers to attitudes. Over the past year the EBU Technical Committee has clearly shown its eagerness to think with an open mind about the way the EBU supports its Members in the technical area.



Strategic themes


This forward-looking thinking asked, amongst others, for a short list of strategic themes to be specified for the next year. At the Assembly, Mr Morello and Mr Vermaele presented the following technical focus points for the period 2009-2010:


   - HDTV and beyond

   - The Future of radio (including Internet radio)

   - Hybrid Broadcast Broadband (HBB)

   - IT-based production and archives


Alberto Morello (RAI) at the GA 2009.


EBU Members can download the full presentation here .



About the EBU General Assembly


This was the 62nd time the EBU General Assembly was organised. The event brings together EBU Members from across the world to discuss strategic themes and recent developments in all areas where the EBU is active, including of course EBU TECHNICAL's work. For more information, contact:

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