One of the most valued areas of EBU technical work is the testing of new technology. The just published EBU Technical Review 2008 Q3 includes an article on last year's EBU HDTV Production Codecs tests, which resulted in EBU Recommendation R124 .


Testing by and for Members


Those tests are a good example of how Members (in this case the IRT, RAI and RTVE) can jointly evaluate and share vital information on new technologies. Another example reported on in the Technical Review, is the EBU Media Portal trial which tested P2P software for streaming broadcasters' content via the Internet.


Besides gathering experience on the technical quality provided by the distribution method, the trial also touched upon several other aspects such as rights, geolocation and pre-roll advertising. For broadcasters who want a more open approach, the Q3 edition brings an article featuring an 'open and decentralized Internet TV' solution called 'Miro'.



  Extract from the HD tests description.



Articles on DTV


Two other articles report on technical topics related to Digital Television Broadcasting. The first explains how the power efficiency of digital TV transmitters can be improved using so called 'Envelope Tracking' technology. Given the fact that DTV transmitter networks in a single European country can easily consume many MWs of electricity each year, this is a very current topic. The second DTV-related article outlines how Dolby has now integrated the HE AAC technology (which was gained with the acquisition of Coding Technologies) and Dolby Digital under the new name 'Dolby Pulse'.





The EBU Technical Review 2008 Q3 is available for download in full  or article by article in the Publications Library .











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