The winner of the EBU Technology & Innovation Award 2024 will be announced during the EBU Technical Assembly in Naples on 13 June. Below we provide an overview of the nominated projects.
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AI prototype supporting editorial workflows
ORF, Austria • Stefan Kollinger
AiDitor is an intelligent content-workflow assistant that aggregates and integrates multiple AI services, making them accessible through a user-friendly, one-click operation interface.
Fully autonomous green mobile production unit
RTBF, Belgium • Cécile Gonfroid
An e-bike tows a cargo trailer equipped to support small-to-medium sized multicamera productions to a professional standard, with 15km range and 12 hours of autonomy.
VRT’s multifunctional studio
VRT, Belgium • Martijn Rymen
Integrating a massive LED wall powered by a games engine, the studio offers infinite creative possibilities for virtual environments and visual effects for multicamera productions.
YleGPT – a magic wand for journalists
Yle, Finland • Jouni Frilander
Tailored platform and service ecosystem that enables the safe and ethical use of AI in editorial work, including an active user community exchanging around ways of working.
5G and cloud-based Olympic flame coverage
France Télévisions • Romuald Rat
Dedicated channel for live coverage of the torch relay for the Paris Olympics, 100% cloud-based production, leveraging mobile private 5G, public 5G and Starlink.
A Twitch in time
SWR, Germany • Michael Eberhard
Integrating viewers as active participants in a highly immersive live production by blending interactive elements of the Twitch platform with open-source broadcast technology.
Tatort Game: where TV tradition meets innovation
SWR, Germany • Daniel Stolz
Targeting younger audiences with an immersive online game based on a popular crime series, integrating an AI-supported chatbot to facilitate active participation and interaction.
Clorofilla – innovative television for kids
Rai, Italy • Mariangela Borneo
A virtual television studio reproduces realistic external sets in which plants grow and change colour according to the seasons, bringing nature to kids on multiple platforms.
Bridging the gap: live chat with journalists
AVROTROS/NPO, Netherlands • Gerson Veenstra
Viewers of the EenVandaag news show can interact directly with journalists in real time via the website and mobile app, resulting in enhanced storytelling and increased trust.
World Youth Day 2023: an inspiring new production vision
RTP, Portugal • Mónica Cañete Palomo
As Host Broadcaster, RTP implemented an innovative production vision that transformed a spiritual event into a distinctive high-quality audiovisual experience with global coverage.
UHD on digital terrestrial television
RTVE, Spain • José Luis Muñiz
Launch of a UHD channel on DTT, covering 96% of the population, with 4K resolution at 50 frames per second, high dynamic range and next generation audio.
ABC – broadcast manuscript and planning tool
Sveriges Radio, Sweden • David Gustafsson
In-house design and creation, by a cross-functional product team, of a highly adapted and user-friendly system for the planning, scripting and running of broadcast shows.
Publication data platform for public services
SSR SRG, Switzerland • Theo Mäusli
Platform incorporating metadata from all company units, facilitating open access to archives, based on EBUCorePlus, and improved transparency around reporting and measurement.
How data moved a 100-year-old archive
BBC, UK • Noreen Adams
The on-time and on- budget move of over 2.5 million archive assets through the development of accurate packing manifests and upgraded inventory management systems.
Hybrid cloud archive
BBC, UK • Noreen Adams
Harnessing scalable public cloud storage infrastructure in a sustainable way to unify workflows and provide long-term secure storage of archive content.
Media provenance standards to increase trust
BBC, UK • Judy Parnall
Helping audiences to identify authentic content through the application of the C2PA content credentials standard, creating an audit trail for where a piece of media came from.
RiSE: shifting our SAP landscape infrastructure
BBC, UK • Anna Murcar
Successful ‘lift and shift’ of core SAP technology from legacy on-premises infrastructure to the cloud with no disruption, delivering hundreds of complex transformation integrations.
See: https://tech.ebu.ch/awards