Issue 57 of our quarterly magazine tech-i celebrates the winner and runners-up in the EBU Technology & Innovation Award 2023. The cover shows BBC's Ian Wagdin installing one of the 5G cells used when the broadcaster deployed the biggest 5G contribution network to date during the coronation of King Charles III in London. The project was chosen as the winner of the T&I Award. Read about it on pages 10–11.
5G also features strongly in two of the runner-up projects, one from Austria's ORS (page 7) and another from Italy's Rai Way (page 9), both of which explored the integration of broadband and broadcast technologies for media use cases. The other runner-up came from Switzerland's SRF (page 8), with a novel solution to lighting in self-driven studios.
Elsewhere in tech-i 57
- Mastering technology to better serve audiences – Antonio Arcidiacono on the Technical Committee’s new Strategic Roadmap
- Finding the right motion-capture tool for the job – An EBU group helps Members to better understand computer- generated animation tools
- Decision time in Europe on the use of the 470–694 MHz band – What positions will EU Member States and EBU Members take for WRC-23?
- Interference – why it happens and what to do about it – A dedicated EBU group can help Members tackle this perennial problem
- Sustainability Matters: Pedalling towards greener production in Belgium and Britain – Solar-powered mobile production units from BBC and RTBF
- In my opinion: Is the role of technology in the boardroom changing at public service media? – NPO’s CTO Willem Roskam on this critical question
- Partner Profile: Digital TV Group – A crystal clear vision for the future
- Video and social usage stabilize in youth while podcasts rise – Insights from the EBU’s Media Intelligence Service
- In the spotlight: Robin Ribback – CTO for Accessibility at SWISS TXT AG and EBU Technical Committee member
Download issue 57 of tech-i (PDF)