Taking its cue from April's inaugural EBU Sustainability Summit, held on Earth Day 2021, the latest issue of tech-i magazine features a report from ARTE on innovative techniques for measuring the carbon footprint of digital systems (pages 10–11). You can also find an overview of some key presentations from the Summit itself, where one key takeaway was the need for an honest assessment of the facts (page 12).
Elsewhere in the magazine, the Director of Operations, Technology and Transformation at Ireland's RTÉ is the guest contributor for the 'In my opinion' section (page 16). Richard Waghorn believes public service media organizations need to disrupt themselves constantly in order to be better prepared to handle inevitable waves of change. He describes the "smart follower" strategy that RTÉ has adopted:
"When I first arrived at RTÉ, I said to the technology teams that we needed to be smart followers. We didn’t need to be the early bird that catches the worm – that risks wasting the limited money and resources that we have. Instead, we needed to be the second mouse that gets the cheese – the wily follower often secures the sustained competitive advantage."
Inside issue 48
Other topics on the agenda for this issue of tech-i include fake-news detection, production workflows for Next Generation Audio, future distribution strategies, both on broadband and over broadcast, and much more.
- Keeping innovation alive through the next crisis – Antonio Arcidiacono on creating a more resilient R&D&I ecosystem
- EBU Technology & Innovation Award 2021 – Which projects are in the running this year?
- Sharing video expertise and enthusiasm – Meet the people leading EBU work on video systems
- Securing a place for television in the age of the internet – Rundfunk Berlin Brandenburg is piloting DVB-I
- Finding the right transcription tool for the job – A collaborative project helps Members to benchmark transcription tools
- Faky: fighting the spread of misinformation – RTBF’s new platform for fake-news detection
- Measuring and reducing the carbon footprint of arte.tv – New to measurement provide a more complete picture
- Sustainability and media technology: start with an honest assessment of the facts – Report from the inaugural EBU Sustainability Summit
- Content distribution and production in the UHF band: a virtuous circle for broadcasters – The EBU is calling for stability in how the UHF band is allocated
- Testing the production of Next Generation Audio in an all-IP environment – SRF tests how Next Generation Audio can be produced efficiently
- Designing better audio experiences: put the user at the centre – Coming up with fresh approaches to audio user inferfaces
- In my opinion: Surfing the change-waves – Director of Operations, Technology and Transformation at RTÉ, Richard Waghorn
- Partner Profiles: ITU – How standards boost the benefits of broadcasting
- Competitive pressures underscore the need for partnership at European level – The latest research from the EBU Media Intelligence Service
- In the spotlight: Krzysztof Kucharski – Senior Expert, Technology Department, TVP
Download issue 48 of tech-i (PDF).