The recent World Biathlon Championships feature on the cover of the new issue of tech-i magazine marking the recent technology test organized at the event by the EBU Hybrid and Cloud Production Group. You can catch up on that and the group's other activities in the magazine, now available for download, along with other developments in cloud-based production at Finland's Yle and Spain's RTVE.
You can also read about the recently launched Eurovision News Monitoring tool (page 10), powered by the EBU PEACH and EuroVOX tools, and how T&I Director Antonio Arcidiacono (page 3) believes the project demonstrates the potential for the EBU to lead a renaissance of media innovation in Europe:
"The EBU remains today the largest structure coordinating European media R&D&I activities. It is the natural candidate to lead the development of open technology solutions that benefit EBU Members along with the entire industry and society at large."
France Télévisions CTO/CIO Frédéric Brochard (page 16) also sees a critical role for the EBU as public broadcasters look to a future freed from the constraints of infrastructure and boosted by AI:
“It seems essential to me to focus energies on the most interesting activities and with the highest added value for as many Members as possible.”
Inside issue 47
- Spearheading the renaissance of media innovation in Europe – Antonio Arcidiacono, EBU Director of Technology & Innovation
- Emmy Awards; SMPTE presidency
- Discussing the future of European media R&D – Report on a panel discussion at PTS 2021
- Yle works towards cloud-based radio production – Yle works towards cloud-based radio production
- A 5G journey through the cloud – Pushing the boundaries of new production and distribution technologies at RTVE
- Live production in the cloud – learning through collaboration – The new EBU group on Hybrid & Cloud Production mounted a pilot production at the Biathlon World Championships
- Strength in diversity: multiplying the value of Europe’s newsrooms – Introducing the News Monitoring tool and the Recommendation Box
- Eurovision News Monitoring: what’s under the hood – How EuroVOX and PEACH provide the core functions
- Looking beyond the media technology horizon – A new report on how PSM R&D labs see the future media landscape
- Who needs conventional broadcast networks when you’ve got the internet! Right? – Roland Beutler (SWR) recommends caution when relying on Big Tech
- Sustainability Matters: Tackling climate change one conversation at a time – A mobile app aims to make sustainability part of the day-to-day technology conversation at ITV
- In my opinion: Finding new levers to meet the challenges of tomorrow – France Télévisions CTO/CIO Frédéric Brochard
- Partner Profiles: DVB Project – Still serving broadcasters, with more urgency than ever
- No single approach to sign-in dominates – The latest research from the EBU Media Intelligence Service
- In the spotlight: Karl Petermichl – Strategy and Governance Officer to the CTO, ORF