Swiss broadcaster RTS has expanded its use of PEACH components. PEACH, the suite of personalization tools co-developed by several public service broadcasters and the EBU, now provides the Single-Sign-On capabilities and drives several additional services on the RTS website, including recommendations, user-generated playlists and an automatically populated media history for its users.

Shifting the focus from audiences to individual users

The move is part of the broadcaster’s drive to offer its users a more personalized experience. In order to achieve this and to maintain continuity across its platforms and services, RTS now also leverages the PEACH Single-Sign-On (SSO), a type of system also known as Identity Provider (IDP). This allows users to benefit from a single online identity for all of the broadcasters’ brands, including Play RTS, RTS, and the shopping portal La boutique RTS. The SSO system allows the broadcaster can offer this service even though its portals are built on a variety of technology stacks.

Tailor-made, not off-the-shelf

“Having a framework that enables unique and personalized offerings is key for media organizations in the digital age”, says the EBU’s Sébastien Noir. Letting users log in allows RTS to craft a better user experience, with more targeted and relevant content recommendations, while at the same time giving the organization a significantly improved understanding of the needs of its users.  

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