François Rancy, the Director of the ITU Radiocommunication Bureau, has been confirmed as a speaker for FORECAST 2017, the EBU’s annual flagship event on media distribution.
FORECAST is a key event for broadcasters wanting to stay on top of the evolution of media distribution. It celebrates its 20th anniversary this year, taking place on 23-24 November at EBU headquarters.
Unique insights
As coordinator of the ITU-R, the organization’s radiocommunication sector, François Rancy is one of the world’s foremost experts on broadcast technology policy. As he describes it, the ITU-R is “the global forum on the evolution of radio technologies and uses where spectrum allocations and provisions necessary to this evolution are decided.”
At FORECAST 2017, Rancy will provide his personal views on how the broadcasting sector needs to adapt in a technology landscape where the volume of content delivered over wireless broadband continues to grow.
For public service media needing to make sound long-term investment decisions to ensure the availability of their content to the general public, understanding the developments affecting their distribution channels is crucial.
Early birds
The preliminary FORECAST ‘17 programme with all confirmed speakers is now available for download and registration is open at https://tech.ebu.ch/forecast17.
Register now and benefit from the special early bird prices!
Photo: Veni Markovski, CC