Speaking proposals are now being accepted for the 2016 Digital Radio Summit, held at the European Broadcasting Union on 10 February in Geneva, Switzerland. The annual Digital Radio Summit brings together key players from the radio community to share ideas, experiences and inspiration.
The EBU Digital Radio Summit seeks presenters with fresh ideas and unique perspectives on key trends and technologies driving the future of public service media radio. Submissions featuring case studies on hybrid radio, smartphones, radio in the car and new technologies are highly valued. Preference will be given to EBU Members, however, organizations working in collaboration with public service media will also be considered.
The deadline for submitting proposals is 04 December. Click here to access the draft programme for more information. Submissions should include a short paragraph outlining the topic, main objective and key points to be discussed. To submit a proposal, simply email your suggestion. Decisions will be made by the programme board.
Other highlights of the programme will include a series of use cases from different countries around Europe, the move to DAB+ and more.
Spaces are limited so don’t forget to register now to keep your spot.