The UK's ITN hosted the 11th workshop of the EBU IMPS programme on media integration last week when members of the EBU's IMPS visited Independent Television News premises in London.
The event provided an opportunity for discussions on interdisciplinarity between programmes and technology and how ITN meets the challenges of consumers’ new demands on broadcasters by means of new production workflows, new editorial functions and organisational change.
The visit was opened by ITV Director General John Hardie, who emphasized how ITV, which is in essence an independent production company, has adapted to meet the needs of its main clients - ITV, Channel 4 and Channel 5, collaborating where possible and competing when necessary.
A particular highlight of the event was a comprehensive analysis of how ITV covered the recent elections in the UK, using advanced new technical workflows, tools and graphical representations, and of course the high journalistic and editorial commitment of its staff.
This IMPS meeting also marked an internal change; the founder and chair of IMPS, Herbert Tillmann, the former Technical Director of the BR, handed over his chairmanship to Robert Amlung from the ZDF.IMPS will continue with visits and workshops at Members’ premises in autumn 2015, and 2016, but it will widen the scope of these events to include enterprise-wide content management, social media impact analysis, to the value of data, technology evolutions, new editorial concepts and change management.
For more information on the IMPS workshops please contact Hans Hoffmann.