The EBU/SMPTE/VSF Joint Task Force on Networked Media (JT-NM) finalized its interim report in December 2014.
The Task Force has determined that in order to meet its goal of promoting interoperability in the area of packetized networks used for professional media applications, one approach is to develop a Reference Architecture (RA). A RA captures best practices, relevant standards, and describes a roadmap to provide guidance to systems designers and implementers. This interim report discusses a RA with multiple views which allow business managers, IT specialists and media specialists to grasp the impact of the RA from their different viewpoints.
This document has been circulated to the JT-NM reflector in order to expose the work thus far, and to gather comments that will inform the finalization of the JT-NM Reference Architecture.
If you are not subscribed to the JT-NM reflector and would like to access this report, contact jt-nm-info@videoservicesforum.org. Comments are welcome until 15 January 2015 to the same email address.
Upcoming meetings
Two face-to-face meetings (one for participants from Europe and the other in the US) will be organized soon to report on the next steps and discuss the feedback received. The first will take place in Stockholm on February 9-10 and the other in Los Angeles on February 26, co-located with the VSF VidTrans annual conference. Save the dates, full details will come soon!