This themed visit is an activity of the strategic programme on Implementing Open Innovation (IOI), jointly run by the EBU Technology & Innovation department and the Eurovision Academy.
This visit will look at how Norwegian Public Service Media organization NRK is facing the digital transformation challenge through innovation, organizational change and partnerships. It will focus on:
- Innovation: how is it organized? How do good ideas become real products and services which are available for use by all in the organization? What methods are used to drive and transfer innovation? What is the profile of innovators?
- Organizational change: how is NRK transforming itself into a fully digital PSM organization?
- The digital environment in Norway: what is the start-up landscape in Norway? Who are the major digital media competitors? What strategic partnerships has NRK developed with local start-ups, universities, and other media organizations?
To better understand the processes, what works and what doesn't, leading editorial and technical professionals from NRK will present examples and case studies of successful – or not so successful – innovations.
Who it’s for
- EBU Members only
- Heads of news, cross-media editors, TV, radio and online editors, heads of production (IT and broadcast),
- Heads of strategy, heads of innovation, innovation lab managers, creators, inventors
- Max. 20 participants, and no more than 2 participants per Member