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Presentations & videos
Cloud transcoding architecture with FFMPEG - Jess Portnoy
Synchronised multi-device media playback with GStreamer - Luis de Bethencourt
What's new in VLC and libVLC? 3.0 or not? - Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Creating interactive experiences with video - Renan Gutman
Adding subtitles to the dash.js player - Solène Buet
GPAC/MP4Box.js - The swiss-army knife for MP4 in your browser - Romain Bouqueau, Cyril Concolato
What will be new in Kodi version 17 - Martijn Kaijser
Implementing a native Daala decoder in FFMPEG - Rostislav Pehlivanov
MediaConch: policy checking on FFV1, Matroska, LPCM, and more - Jérôme Martinez
What makes Upipe great for video processing - Christophe Massiot
Broadcast-to-IP conversion for WiFi indoor coverage - Alexandru Munteanu
Building a wireless camera from off-the-shelf wifi dongles and FLOSS - Kieran Kunhya
Over-the-air audio identification - Arda Yalçıner
Nageru: Taking free software video mixing into 2016 - Steinar H. Gunderson
Develop your own media portal using Kaltura -Assaf Berkovitz, Rotem Haber
i-score; an intermedia sequencer for interactive scenarios authoring - Jean-Michaël Celerier
Introduction to video reverse engineering - Vittorio Giovara
*Note: all videos are courtesy of FOSDEM, the EBU is not responsible for the audio/video processing.