The EBU/SMPTE/VSF Joint Task Force on Network Media is actively developing its Reference Architecture (RA) for networked media. An interim report of the results to date was circulated to its industry-wide reflector in December 2014 (See our previous news item here). 
Today’s broadcast media technologists know very well how a current live production system is designed. The aim of the Joint Task Force is to provide a generic representation of the key components and interfaces of future networked-based media production systems. This will give a framework for system architects, broadcast application specialists and IT infrastructure experts. This will also guide the industry towards building interoperable systems.
A series of two face-to-face meetings will be organized to touch point with the group. Attendees will get the latest updates on the work in progress and have a chance to feedback and discuss the final stretch towards the finalisation of the Reference Architecture in the next months.
The first will be on 09-10 February at Net Insight in Stockholm, Sweden. The second will be on 26-27 February in Los Angeles, California, alongside the VSF VidTrans Conference.
For more information or to confirm you attendance to those meetings, send an email to You can also request to join the JT-NM reflector using the same email address. 

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