TV-Anytime Phase 2 - scope

The TV-Anytime Forum is moving its focus into a world beyond TV (i.e., beyond audio plus video). This is a world where consumers build their digital entertainment and information-rich lives around a digital hub. This hub will need to accommodate the many and various new services that the market demands: network and standalone games, information and educational packages, entertaining enhanced television, transactional services and utilities such as banking, shopping and smart appliances.

These consumers will also expect flexible content-buying models and the option to purchase and control how their content is distributed within their personal domains and physical networks. Service and content providers also want to understand their audiences and be able to deliver relevant content and services to groups, individuals or devices.

The Phase One TV-Anytime series enables audio and video search, capture and playback of content. It also enables segmentation and indexing of that content. Phase Two will specify open standards that build on the foundations of Phase One specifications and will include areas such as targeting, redistribution and new content types.