TV-Anytime phase 1 - scope

Phase 1 is the first full and synchronized set of specifications established by the TV-Anytime Forum.

This following table describes an evolutionary range of features that are supported by the normative specification documents for Metadata, Content Referencing, and Rights Management and Protection:

Broadcast Level 1 - Capture and playback of audio, video and data /Use of ECG to find and capture broadcast content
Broadcast Level 2 - Personal indexing on captured content / Playback of content in highlight or indexed mode / Support of user preferences and profiles
Broadcast Level 3 - Cross linking of content to related content / Capture and playback segments of programs / Dynamic insertion of segments during playback / Content can be updated/replaced/appended by newer in-coming versions
Return Path Level - Verification of delivery of content to PVR / Verification of updating of content on PVR / Verification of usage of content on PVR / Ability to collect user profile data

These phase 1 specifications will enable search, select, acquire and rightful use of content on local and/or remote personal storage systems from both broadcast and online services. These features require firm standardization.