WG Metadata Phase 1 & Phase 2

This working group was in charge of developing the TV-Anytime Metadata Specification.

Within the TV-Anytime environment, the most visible parts of metadata are the attractors/descriptors used e.g. in Electronic Program Guides (EPG), or in Web pages to describe content. This is the information that the consumer, or intelligent agents, will use to search and select content available from a variety of internal and external sources.

Another important set of metadata consists of describing user preferences, representing user consumption habits, and defining other information (e.g. demographics models) for targeting a specific audience.

The TV-Anytime Metadata Specification also allows describing segmented content. Segmentation Metadata is used to edit content for partial recording and non-linear viewing. In this case, metadata is used to navigate within a piece of segmented content.

The Metadata specification also covers important system but transport-agnostic aspects such as medadata fragmentation, indexing, encoding and encapsulation.


Phase 1 metadata  focuses on uni-directional delivery of content but bi-directional access to metadata is also supported .


Phase 2 metadata addresses a wider scope of access modes and personalisation capabilities.