This report offers suggestions for how HbbTV can be used to provide accessibility services for those with sensory differences.
It is important to note that the options described in this report are not the only options available to television services for providing accessibility services (AS). They are specifically those that may be available where the viewer has a television set equipped with HbbTV (Hybrid broadcast broadband TV) and a working broadband internet connection, and where the HbbTV services are available. All these suggested solutions are based on the technologies currently available in European consumer equipment.
There can be other options for AS not involving HbbTV. For example, the delivery of a composite image that includes both the programme image and the signer can also be achieved by delivering a second broadcast channel - though this might be seen as inefficient use of broadcast spectrum.
It is a remarkable fact that on average, 10% of people per country have sensorial disabilities or differences. In Europe this equates to approximately 40 million people across the 18 countries polled. This is a large proportion of the audience that broadcasters must cater to.
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Key words: HbbTV, Accessibility Service, Sensory Disability, Sensory Difference, Subtitle, Dialog+, NGA, Audio Description, Sign Language Interpretation, Accessible Audio Experiences, Clean Audio.
All versions of this publication
22/11/2021: Typo correction (SDI changed to SLI in 'Conclusions' - no other change).