Broadcasters are increasingly using file-transfer over IP instead of physical media to get content from 'A to B'. Physical media transport or real-time video links may be replaced by on-demand file-delivery (which can be faster than real-time). However, professional use can suffer from performance and interoperability problems, if care is not taken in advance to choose the right technology and system design.



Tuning the system


In the latest addition to the EBU Technical Review series of articles, Peter Brightwell (BBC R&D) provides insight in what file transfer means for broadcasters, which performance aspects play a role and what techniques and tools can be used to optimise the file transfers over IP, such as:


- Tuning TCP

- Parallel connections

- UDP (instead of TCP)

- Jumbo frames and TOE cards


Peter also touches on security issues, including the promise of increased security when IPv6 gets wider support.

File transfer in tapeless production



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This article, 'High-performance File Transfer over IP networks', follows a related article called 'Taming the Cloud', in which BBC's Rhys Lewis addressed the use of IP networks in professional broadcast contribution and production applications. Both articles are available in the EBU Technical Review section of the Publications Library.




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