The African Telecommunications Union has confirmed its intention to support a “no change” position on the sub-700 MHz UHF band, currently used for DTT (digital terrestrial television) and PMSE (programme making and special events), at this year's World Radiocommunication Conference.
At its fourth and final preparatory meeting for WRC-23 this month, the African Telecommunications Union agreed to support Method A1 – “no change” in the 470–694 MHz band – under agenda item 1.5 of the forthcoming WRC-23, to be held in Dubai from 20 November to 15 December this year.
The broadcasters’ position was presented to the ATU meeting by the Secretary General of the African Union of Broadcasters (AUB), Grégoire Ndjaka. The ATU decision aligns with the positions of both the AUB and the EBU (see white paper) and provides a positive message in support of the significant investments in broadcasting in Africa. It promises to secure the future of broadcasting in this critical band for years to come.
“The ATU has sent a strong statement to the world," said the EBU’s Director of Technology & Innovation, Antonio Arcidiacono. "This is a welcome boost to those supporting innovation in broadcasting services and investing in the future of media in Africa – it positions the continent at the forefront of ensuring the availability of robust, secure technologies for reaching citizens with vital information, entertainment and educational services for many years to come.”