The advent of AI and data in the media industry has created a range of challenges to EBU Members while simultaneously providing opportunities to support their public service values and remit. In the latest EBU AI and Data Initiative annual report, a number of EBU Members showcase how solutions based on AI and data can be used to support PSM values.
The case studies contained in the report address questions around practicality, ethics, technological expertise, community needs, workflows, quality of data, infrastructure, and more. The report also discusses changing organizational and legal contexts and proposes a set of practical guidelines around the use of AI and data that help to put these technologies in the service of the PSM remit.
The report is available to EBU Members.
The EBU AI and Data Initiative is a a cross-disciplinary strategic EBU initiative driven by Members, explores these opportunities and challenges, including regulatory aspects, technologies, organizational matters, skills, strategy and content developments.
“AI and Machine Learning will continue to make our IT tools smarter and parts of our work more efficient”, says EBU Director General Noel Curran. “But it is up to us and our own ingenuity to leverage the technology for new and innovative services that deliver added value to our audiences. With the AI and Data Initiative you have a forum that allows you tap into, and contribute to, a wealth of knowledge and ideas being shared between public service media organizations from across Europe. I encourage you to join it.”