At the request of EBU Member, Société Nationale de Radiodiffusion et de Télévision (SNRT), EBU Technology & Innovation organized a seminar on production and distribution technologies in Rabat, Morocco on 21 September 2015.
Around 50 delegates from different services of SNRT and representatives of SNRT’s management team, including their CEO, Mr. Faïcal Laraïchi, participated in the event.
The main aim of the seminar was to introduce current work being done in production and distribution technologies. One of the key themes presented by EBU Senior Project Manager, Felix Poulin, was Live IP-based production and what it means to start implementing such a system, its challenges and many opportunities it can offer in comparison to current SDI technology. The EBU and industry representatives gave SNRT an overview of the topic and showcased examples of real implementation.
EBU Technology & Innovation staff, Hans Hoffmann, Jean-Pierre Evain and Adi Kouadio connected remotely to provide presentations on the latest developments in file-based production, including metadata and quality control, integrated media production strategies and Ultra High Definition Television (UHDTV). Other speakers from industry, invited by SNRT, dealt with production in 4K and tools for video and audio analysis.
Touching on distribution, EBU Senior Project Manager, Walid Sami presented the current situation and roadmap for Europe with regard to introducing next generation DTT modulation and compression techniques. EBU Senior Project Manager, Mathias Coinchon presented the digital radio landscape including the development of hybrid radio by connecting remotely to the seminar. Finally, EBU Senior Manager of Delivery & Services, Peter Mac Avock also gave a remote overview of the development of hybrid TV and multi-platform delivery.
All the topics covered by this seminar were designed to bring the SNRT delegates up-to-date with the current trends in production and distribution technologies. The SNRT management may also find in this seminar material to comfort its development strategy or to adjust it if needed.
EBU Technology & Innovation continues to give its assistance to EBU members and to Sister Unions with such seminars and training, according to their requests. The next scheduled similar event is the EBU Week of Technology which will take place in ASBU Tunis on 15 - 17 October 2015, a joint event between EBU Technology & Innovation and Eurovision Academy.