Radio fans are being urged to share where they listen as part of a week of top-level meetings and events at the EBU culminating in World Radio Day 2015, a joint initiative between the EBU, ITU and UNESCO.
A 24-hour broadcast relay will be launched on World Radio Day itself, bringing the global community of broadcasters and listeners even closer together. More than 40 stations around the world will dedicate a half-hour segment of their programming to the World Radio Day theme, handing over in English and then continuing in their native language.The EBU will invite listeners around the world to tweet details and pictures of where they listen to their radio using #MyRadio, with a selection of the most interesting and unusual gathered and posted on social media.
A week of top-level events
Experts will gather at the EBU in Geneva from 11 February. They will discover and share the latest technological developments in digital and hybrid radio at the 2015 Digital Radio Summit on Wednesday 12 February, and will be joined on the 12 and 13 February by software developers, integrators and engineers from broadcasters, service providers, network operators and manufacturers who will head to the ITU headquarters in Geneva for the hands-on RadioHack 2015.
'This is the United Nations calling the peoples of the world'
The week will round off on Friday 13 February with World Radio Day 2015. This year's theme is 'Youth and Radio'. Delegates will gather at the ITU headquarters in Geneva to celebrate the day with an added focus on innovation, in the presence of the Secretary General of the ITU, the Director General of UNESCO and the EBU. There will be live and pre-recorded contributions from, among others, the BBC, China Radio International, Australia's ABC and performances from the United Nations Orchestra.
"The EBU continually strives to harness the latest trends and provide the radio industry with fresh initiatives and standards in broadcasting. This year, we are particularly pleased to join forces with the ITU in their 150th year to showcase how far we have come and shine a light on the way forward. The theme of youth, linked to innovation, ties in very neatly with several of our campaigns, including our support for public service media in negotiations on spectrum allocation and talks on digital terrestrial radio (DAB+) and the Smart Radio initiative." said EBU Head of Radio Christian Vogg.
EBU Director General Ingrid Deltenre said, "It is a privilege for the EBU to be involved in World Radio Day 2015, particularly in such a significant anniversary year for the ITU. Radio broadcasters and listeners are a strongly united community and it is a pleasure for us to host a week of top-level events leading up and including the day itself."