The New Builders Community of Practice comprises EBU Members who are in the process of planning or constructing new broadcast and production facilities. It is a private forum for Members to exchange ideas, learnings and best-practice in order to help future-proof these projects.
This community is jointly run by EBU Technology & Innovation and the EBU Academy.
Explore the lessons learned and the key topics facing Members who are in the process of planning or constructing new broadcast and production facilities in NEW BUILDERS REPORT published in May 2024.
New broadcast facilities represent major long-term investments for broadcasters and are built to specifications that are significantly different from those that shaped the facilities they replace. Planners need to account for current requirements as well as tomorrow's production realities, and prepare for a fast pace of change.
- Take a multilateral approach, drawing on expertise from across the EBU and inviting participants with different backgrounds to engage.
- Anticipate the impact of ever more intelligent tools and the increasing “dematerialization” of facilities. This is a natural outcome of embracing IT, the cloud and IP networks for production infrastructures.
- Examining how Member workplaces are organized and how the change process is managed. The range of skills and competences needed within PSM organizations will evolve along with workflows and new media content requirements. Change management will be an essential element of the transformation process.
All resources gathered and produced during previous visits are kept on the NBI workspace.
- NRK, Trondheim (19-20 November 2024)
- ORF, Vienna (9-10 November 2023)
- NDR/ARD News center (23-24 May 2023)
- New Builders Visit to BBC Wales, Cardiff, UK (22 - 23 November 2022 )
- New Builders Meeting RTS, Geneva (13 June 2022)
- Online Q&A session on the newly completed Maison Radio Canada Live IP Project (23 Feb 2021)
- Online Meeting ARD Hamburg (Tuesday 12 May 2020)