The annual Technical Assembly takes stock of current and future media technology trends and the work done in EBU Strategic Programmes and project groups on behalf of the EBU Membership. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the TA 2021 will be held online.
The TA also reviews and endorses the Workplan guiding the EBU Technology & Innovation department. In even years, the Technical Assembly also elects the 13 Members of the Technical Committee, which oversees the work of the Strategic Programmes headquartered at EBU Technology & Innovation.
The event is a unique opportunity for the technology leaders of EBU Members to meet with their peers and to share information of common interest.
On the Agenda
For all employees of public media in Europe and beyond
- Technology vs Content vs Audience – what drives what?
- Gaia-X
- 5G in Production and Distribution
- The Future of UHF
- Innovative new services and media technology innovations created by our Members
... and many more. Plus:
- The Technology & Innovation Awards 2021 Ceremony!
For Members of the Technical Assembly
- Networking with the Technology Leaders of public media across Europe and beyond
- Demonstrations of T&I solutions available to Members, such as the News Pilot, EuroVOX, and many more
- An overview of recent and upcoming work of the TC, T&I, Project Services, and the collaborative work in Strategic Programmes