RRC 06

This Seminar included different topics related to the RRC 06 Planning Process. The presentations given at this event:

12 September                                  
Requirements of the 1st Planning Exercise
Borislav Rackov (ITU BR)
Compatiblity analysis
Ken Hunt (EBU)
Pre-coordinated  requirements/Administrations declarations Alberto Mendez (ITU BR)
Plan synthesis Terry O'Leary (EBU)
Role & future work of PXT Pham Hai (ITU BR)
Conclusins of the 1st IPG meeting & future work of IPG
Kavouss Arasteh(IPG Chairman)
Analysis of Band III results : DVB-T
Ben Smith (RA)
Analysis of Band IV
Nigel Laflin (BBC)
Multilateral Coordination Group (8 Nations Group)
  Philippe Debreux (TDF)
Adriatic Sea Group
Stanko Perpar (RTVSLO)
RRC Andrey Lackeovitch
Propagation Aspects
Rainer Grosskopf (IRT)
Terry O'Leary (EBU)
 Impact of Analogue TV & Other Services protection Elena Puigrefagut (EBU)



