Multimedia Meets Radio

End of March 2007, more than 100 delegates from member organizations in 25 countries attended the 2007 edition of Multimedia Meets Radio. This meeting looked at the impact of Web 2.0 on radio. Topics on the agenda included podcasting, blogging, peer-to-peer distribution and user-generated content.

Opening the conference, the Radio Director, Raina Konstantinova, observed that technology was advancing at such a fast pace that words such as blogging, podcasting and wikis, which were little known just a year ago, had now passed into the mainstream.


G. du Gardier,
D. Wood & R.
opening the conference ►

               Slide explaining P2P topography
(image: WDR) ►

Guillaume du Gardier of Edelman PR claimed the world was witnessing the birth of something dramatically new online - a revolution, rather than an evolution. The Internet, he argued, was always meant as a platform for sharing - not only for reading, but also for writing - and technology was now making that possible.

Multimedia Meets Radio provided a forum for sharing ideas on how to exploit new technology to create relevant and original content. It was a rare opportunity for content-makers, technology specialists and managers to network and exchange opinions on issues of common concern.
