EBU Members were invited to visit our booth at IBC 2012 to discuss the latest developments with colleagues, and share information and experiences.
• MPEG-DASH - a live demonstration of this new enabling technology for adaptive streaming
• UHDTV - following the 4k test shoots in Turin, a first chance to see what lies Beyond HD
• FIMS - the latest developments from the EBU and AMWA Framework for Interoperable Media Systems
• Hybrid Radio - the latest developments in RadioDNS applications and implementations
• LED Lights - what problems arise when using them and how the EBU can help
• RF Cameras - the BBC will demonstrate RF systems for HD radio cameras, carrying HDTV in a half-bandwidth
The EBU booth featured a theatre with presentations scheduled every 30 minutes. Key topics such as spectrum policy, Beyond HD, FIMS, and broadband platforms will be presented regularly, with other talks on key EBU work areas throughout the days of the exhibition.
The complete schedule of presentations is available here. The presentations can be downloaded to the left.
IBC Conference
• EBU Session: Prepare Today, Prosper Tomorrow : Future-Proofing for Broadcasters (Saturday 8 September; 16:00-18:00)
• The Loudness Breakfast, sponsored by the EBU (Monday 10 September; 08:00-09:00) Free entry!
• FOBTV: Toward a Global Broadcast TV Standard , featuring EBU Techical Director Lieven Vermaele (Tuesday 11 September; 10:00-13:00) Free entry!