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Day 1: 14 November 2012 - Chair: Peter MacAvock (EBU) Click here for Day 2
Session 1: Keynote, context & Case Studies
• Welcome & Introduction - Lieven Vermaele, EBU
• A short walk in a new television landscape - Pham Hai, ITU
• The migration to DTT and DVB-T2 in Europe - Myra Moore, Digital Tech Consulting
• Case Study: Finland - Marit Ingves, Brussels representative of Nordic Public Service Broadcasters
• Case Study: Ukraine 2012 - DVB-T2 implementation without analogue switch-off - Artem Zhavrotskyi,
Ukrainian State Centre of Radio Frequencies
• Does an open source approach hold the key to lower cost transmission? - Mathias Coinchon, EBU
Session 2: The road to WRC-15
• ITU-R JTG work and expected outcome - Thomas Ewers, Chairman JTG 4-5-6-7
• What are the spectrum requirements for broadcasting services in the longer term? - Walid Sami, EBU
• How will PMSE respond to a changing spectrum environment? - Dré Klaassen, Association of Professional
Wireless Production Technologies
• A common spectrum and networks action plan for the broadcast industry - Bernard Pauchon, DigiTAG
• SM - Tying up the loose ends - Nigel Laflin, Chairman EBU Spectrum Management Group