EBU DevCon 2015 - Informal drinks at RTS
On Tuesday evening, RTS (Swiss Broadcaster) kindly invites us to their TV tower for an informal meetup with food and drinks. During the drinks, VRT (Belgian Broadcaster) will introduce you to some innovative projects, which are part of the VRT Sandbox
RTS Radio Télévision Suisse
Quai Ernest-Ansermet 20
Case postale 234
1211 Geneva 8
19:00 Welcome
19:30 Introduction by Gilles Marchand, Directeur de la RTS
19:40 VRT Sandbox Pitch session moderated by Felix Poulin, EBU
6 minutes pitches:
Yondr (Thomas Leysen)
360° video is more than video. It's about providing an immersive experience to a viewer, telling stories in different ways. With Yondr we have been working on adding extra added value with 360° for events.
Opengraphy (Antoine Gounel)
Content is often distributed on different social platforms where people are engaged. Measuring the generated impact and finding what creates the most 'buzz' is where Opengraphy comes in.
Adhese (Jan Willem)
As broadcasters, we are able to capture huge amounts of user behaviour. With Adhese we have been looking at providing an intelligent content space based on the behavior to maximize and add-value for these users.
Small town heroes (Hendrik Dacquin)
Video is the most important asset for broadcasters. No wonder we are constantly looking for new ways to add extra value to this content. Providing the right content for binge viewing is what has been a focus with Seamly.