Picture: Doreen Bogdan-Martin, Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU),
at the World Radiocommunication Conference 2023. Picture credit: ITU
This is a hybrid workshop to review the outcomes of the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-23), Dubai, 20 Nov – 15 Dec 2023.
One of the hottest topics at WRC-23 for public service media is the future use of one the crucial spectrum bands for EBU Members: the UHF band. Digital terrestrial television (DTT) and 'programme making and special events' (PMSE) equipment such as wireless devices depend on it. In this workshop, we will discuss the implications of the decisions made on this topic, as well as on other relevant topics such as satellite bands, at WRC-23.
We will also go through the list of agenda items for WRC-27 to identify items of relevance to EBU Members and start planning the work to be done. Several satellite-related topics are expected to appear on this list.