veraAI audio tools to counter disinformation

This is the second in a series of monthly webinars about the veraAI project’s innovative research on AI-based fact-checking tools.

Join us on 29 October at 11:00 CEST to hear from Luca Cuccovillo and Milica Gerhardt from Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology IDMT, about their work on developing AI-based audio tools to verify information.

The talk provides a summary of two audio analysis methods to counter disinformation that are being developed by the speakers within the veraAI project: Provenance analysis, which can help detect out-of-context reuse of media files, and trace how they were shared by users across different platforms; SFAT-Net for synthetic speech detection, which can be used to identify possible audio deepfakes in an interpretable manner.

This webinar, which targets anyone interested in the technological aspects of AI-based fact-checking, is open to EBU Members and Associates, as well as media professionals. Only registrants with company emails will admitted (no Gmail please). Please register in advance.

The veraAI project is co-financed by the European Union, Horizon Europe programme, Grant Agreement No 101070093, with additional funding from Innovate UK grant No 10039055 and the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) under contract No 22.00245.


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