Create Next Generation Audio content that is compatible with all major NGA systems. Join this webinar to learn about the open source Next Generation Audio production plugins created by EBU Members under the EBU umbrella.
Next Generation Audio (NGA) has exciting potential to make listening experiences more personalised, accessible, and immersive. The EBU is working hard to ensure that broadcasters can take advantage of this. A key aspect is the Audio Definition Model (ADM), an open format for defining NGA content, allowing its production, monitoring and exchange. This webinar presents a new set of tools from the EBU, the EAR Production Suite, which has been jointly developed by BBC and IRT within the EBU Audio Systems group. It is a set of audio workstation plug-ins that allows production of NGA content using the ADM and the associated EBU ADM Renderer (EAR). These tools are free and open-source, both to encourage adoption of the ADM by programme makers and to improve interoperability between the range of NGA tools in the market. During this webinar, we will discuss why we’ve created these tools and what they can do. There will be a live demonstration so please bring your headphones. There will be a Q&A session at the end.