Organized by MediaRoad, IRT and the EBU in cooperation with the 5G Media Initiative, this event provides an overview over innovations in the 5G space. It targets media innovation managers, decision makers, experts and engineers in media production and distribution.
Registrations are handled by the IRT.
5G for media production and distribution
The next generation for mobile communication, 5G, not only will provide higher data transfer rates and lower latency: this comprehensive communications standard will change industrial sectors and markets. 5G is regarded as a key technology for the Internet of Things, automated driving, industry 4.0, smart grid and e-health. Moreover, 5G has a high potential for the media and creative sectors, potentially impacting media production workflows as well as media services. 5G is expected to play a key role in the production and distribution of broadcast services and to open up completely new ways of media consumption.
Based on a global standard, 5G allows individual communication and mass media consumption via the same network infrastructure. Powerful 5G end-user devices in the future will allow improved hybrid access to media, a seamless transition from live to on-demand content, improved interaction with social media and user-generated content as well as completely new service offerings. 5G will also support new ways of media production: production, contribution and studio equipment can be efficiently connected via mobile IP-based solutions.
On the Agenda
- Status of 5G development, timeline
- Remote production, mobile contribution, interactive media – scenarios for media & entertainment, requirements and approaches
- Scenarios for 5G network infrastructures (e.g. network slicing, campus networks)
- Regulatory implications (e.g. network quality, roaming, end device neutrality)
- Results from national and international R&D projects and initiatives (e.g. 5G Media, 5G TODAY, 5G-Xcast)
- Feasibility studies
Participation fee
The participation fee amounts to € 250,- (per participant; net, plus applicable VAT). This fee includes a social event, complimentary catering and shuttle service to/from conference hotel (Feringapark Hotel, rooms reserved for 112€, incl. breakfast - booking code IRT-5G-2019).