Metadata specifications


EBUCorePlus is an ontology for media enterprises, developed as an open-source project. It follows up on two long-standing EBU ontologies: EBUCore and CCDM (Class Conceptual Data Model). The two were merged and thoroughly revisioned. The result is EBUCorePlus, the new standard that can fully replace its predecessors. It inherits both the long-lasting reliability of EBUCore and the end-to-end coverage of the media value chain of CCDM. To know more about the EBUCorePlus please visit the dedicated EBUCorePlus web page


Tech 3293 (EBUCore) is the flagship of our metadata specifications. Combined with the EBU Class Conceptual Model (CCDM) of simple business objects, it provides the framework for descriptive and technical metadata for use in service orientated architectures and audiovisual ontologies for semantic web and linked data developments.

Audio and metadata experts have defined the Audio Definition Model (ADM), which schema has been published in EBUCore. The model has been adopted by ITU and published as BS.2076-0. More information on the audio model can be found in Tech 3364.

EBUcore comes with tools!   The NTUA University of Athens adapted their MINT mapping tool to EBUCore, which helps EBUCore users to map their own metadata into this format.   EBU and Limecraft have developed a MXF SDK for embedding/extracting EBUCore metadata in MXF files.  The MediaInfo application is regularly updated to extract metadata from a variety of files containers into EBUCore.

EBUCore is also at the heart of EBU's semantic web developments. EBU T&I. EBUCore RDF (documentation, schema) is an ontology, which prupose is to describe audiovisual resources. It has now been extended to link sport assets to results and other contextual information. The whole is known as EBUSport.

EBUCore is published under the Creative Commons "Attribution-Non-Commercial-ShareAlike3.0 Unported(CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)". Users and implementers have the freedom to change EBUCore to address their respective needs. They should mention that the new specification is based on EBUCore. They are encouraged to share the results alike. It can be implemented intoproducts for commercial purposes but cannot be traded as a specific commodity .


EBU T&I  collaborates with other standardisation bodies like IPTC on NewsML-G2, a metadata format for news exchange (EBU defined the audio-visual requirements for remote content and the part elements). EBU Eurovision News Exchange is a technical specification detailing the NewsML-G2 mapping into which data is now transmitted operationally.


The EBU has also co-published the egtaMETA specification (Tech 3340 based on EBUCore) in collaboration with egta, the association of radio and television sales houses, for the exchange of advertising files. egtaMETA is primarily a set of semantically defined attributes considered to sufficiently describe advertising clips (descriptive information like the title of the advertising spot, exploitation information like what is the period during which it shall be used, credits inc. keys persons and companies involved in the creation, post-production and release of the advertising spot and technical information about the file format and its audio, video and data components.

The egtaMETA specification is regularly updated in collaboration with egta members and advertisers, EBU members' sales houses and post-production companies. The egatMETA data and workflow models will now be based on EBU CCDM and EBUCore.

Video Acquisition

The acquisition Metadata project published Tech 3349, which contains a set of technical metadata to be delivered from camcorders or live cameras. The EBU has developed a collaboration with Sony and mediaArea (mediaInfo) for defining an extension of the EBUCore schema of the extraction of highly dynamic metadata as defined in Tech 3349.


The MIM-MM and FAR-BWF groups have jointly developed Tech 3352 for the transport of identifiers (in particular ISRC) in BWF chunks.  EBUCore defines the xml schema of the new EBU Audio Definition Model (ADM) specified in Tech 3364 (also published as ITU BS.2076-0.

Automatic Metadata Extraction (AME)

The SCAIE project members have played a key role in developing two new MPEG7 specifications, namely the AVDP (audio-visual description profile) and it reference implementation, respectively in part 9 and 11 of the MPEG7 specification. EBU has published AVDP publishing guidelines and is maintaining a list of tools for automatic metadata extraction.

The SCAIE group has also developed a set of AME identifying features to be extracted from audio, video and other types of resources. These cards, which structure is defined by a schema, shall be used to expose AME tools capabilities to facilitate automatic discovery.

A large part of EBU member's Artificial Intelligence activities concern automatic metadata extraction in an attempt to generate more metadata, cheaper-.

Semantic Web

EBU Technical is promoting the use of semantic web technologies and linked data in broadcasting production. The prediction of EBU T&I that semantic web technologies would be part of broadcasting to manipulate business objects as web resources, harmonise metadata formats in the form of triples, and enhance data exchange and search through common storage structures such as triple stores (and associated powerful search patterns and engines), is becoming a reality.

EBU Technical has actively taken part in the definition of the Media Annotation (MA-ONT) ontology of W3C based on the EBU Class Conceptual Data Model (CCDM).

EBU CCDM is an ontology that proposes a high level data model for broadcasting from commissioning to play-out. It has been developed with the active collaboration of NRK, YLE, TV-2 Norway, SRG, VRT. and also ABC Australia as well as many other EBU members.

EBUCore RDF is a representation of an EBU CCDM compliant hierarchy of business objects described using simple EBUCore descriptive and technical metadata properties in more details than CCDM. The RDF representation of EBUCore has been updated to reflect the final version of the EBU Class Conceptual Data Model (CCDM) and improve mapping to schema-org, Dublin Core and FOAF. EBUCore RDF has been published as a Linked Open Vocabulary (LOV) (

EBU's XML Classification Schemes (reference data sets) have also been represented after XSLT transformation in RDF SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organisation System) to facilitate reuse with the EBUCore ontology.  

Elements from EBUCore have been jointly submitted to schema-org by EBU and BBC to describe publication events associated to on-line and broadcast services.  

EBU Namespace (RFC 5174)

All EBU metadata specifications are published under the EBU namespace. RFC 5174 describes a Uniform Resource Name (URN) namespace for the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) for naming persistent resources defined within EBU technical documentation and Internet resources. Example resources include technical documents and specifications, eXtensible Markup Language (XML) Schemas, classification schemes, XML Document Type Definitions (DTDs), namespaces, style sheets, media assets, and other types of resources produced or managed by the EBU.