The aim of this task group is to facilitate an exchange of ideas and learnings between EBU Members around newsroom-related workflows.
This task group will focus on the following main themes:
- sharing success stories on specific workflows (e.g. for graphics, remote production, metadata annotation, etc.)
- tools (e.g. performances, usability tests etc.) integrated in the workflows
- tools, products and services in ongoing or near-term tenders
- issues and barriers (e.g. organizational, technical, editorial, manual operation due to lack of automation, cost, interoperability, etc.)
- challenges ahead, looking into the future (1, 3 and 5 years from now)
Please join the group in order to participate. You will be added to a dedicated email reflector and get access to the workspace.
Talk with DMG and Tinkerlist
Talk with DiNa
Talk with Wolftech
Talk with Dalet
Talk with Avid
Talk with Ross
Newsroom in the future half-day workshop (February 2022)
Requirements and high-level reference architecture for the newsroom of the future (Q4 2022)
Tech Round-table (January 2021)
Tech- Round-table (December 2020)