SEMANTIC WEB Test Case 1: NewsML-G2 / News Item

STEP 1- Setting-up the scene
For beginners, it is recommended to use ‘Protégé’ developed by the University of Stanford (open source), and for which a variety of plug-ins are available inc. for handling SKOS classification schemes. For more advanced users, TopBraid's Community Edition is also an interesting alternative.
STEP 2 – Getting into RDF/OWL
It is not trivial to shift from an XML-schema based model to RDF/OWL. A choice had to be made between different options for the following reasons…
Option 1 – Use XML to RDF converters
This is not the preferred solution. This tends to unnecessarily transfer the complexity of XML constructs in the OWL space. Furthermore, taking benefit from reasoners requires to define properties usually not considered relevant in a tree-like XML-based model such as objectProperties defining relationships between classes / business objects.
Option 2 – Re-express the model
This is the approach followed by EBU Technical based on the three fundamental components of OWL: the Class hierarchy based on EBU's CCDM, the ObjectProperties and the DataProperties.
STEP 3 – Applying Option 2 to NewsML-G2


The classes are aligned with the EBU Class Conceptual Data Model (CCDM) and provide maximum compatibility with the W3C MAWG, EBUCore and TV-Anytime, all aligned with the EBU CCDM. EBU's CCDM relationship between classes / business objects are the basis for objectProperties.



STEP 4 - Develop and validate the model


EBU NewsML-G2 RDF-OWL for Eurovision


The model is presented as "Eurovision" but actually covers the entire NewsML-G2 NewsItem specification.